The one constant in the life of your small business will be the need for a cash infusion to jump start sales, expand into new markets, or continue to sustain growth. While there is a multitude of financing sources of funding available to small business owners, each source has its limitations and requirements.For instance, commercial bank loans are often intended for businesses that have been around and have shown a steady stream of profitability. Private placements are an attractive alternative for growing companies.What is Private Placement?Private placement or private investment capital is money invested in your company usually from private investors in the form of stocks and sometimes bonds. In the United States, private placement often does not need to be registered with the Securities Exchange Commission. Regulation D is the most popular form of non-public private placement.According to Thompson Financial, over $416 billion was issued in the private placement market for 2002. As good as it sounds, the majority of those dollars came from pension funds, investment pools, banks and insurance companies amounting to just over 2,000 deals. However, private placement does exist for the small business owner and is often less expensive and easier than taking your company public.Benefits of Private Placement
- High degree of flexibility in the amount of financing ranging from $100,000 to $10-20 million with combinations of debt, equity, or debt and equity capital
- Investors are more patient than venture capitalists, often seeking 10 to 20 percent return on investments over a longer term of 5 to 10 years.
- Much lower costs than approaching venture capitalists or selling the stock to the public as an IPO (Initial Public Offering)
- Quicker form of raising money than usual venture capital markets
- an individual earning $200K per year
- a household with income of $300K per year or having a net worth over $1M
- or venture funds, some banks and other institutionsConnect with bankers, attorneys, and accountants who can network your small business with a private investor.
- A sound business plan
- A private placement memorandum (PPM) disclosing the full facts of the investment and business
- A law firm or lawyer experienced in private placements