On June 13, 419 individuals from more than 30 central Colorado Postal ZIP codes took advantage of a free shredding opportunity, held at the Black Forest Lutheran Church. About 9,500 pounds of obsolete or unneeded personal documents were professionally and safely shredded during the three-hour shredding period. All of the paper will be recycled. Another 900 pounds of cardboard containers that individuals brought their documents in will also be recycled.The event volunteers wore bright shirts provided by AARP Foundation ElderWatch. The shirts proclaimed ìFight Fraud ñ Shred Insteadî and listed the basic rules on how a person can protect himself or herself from identity theft: shred, shred, shred; check your credit report; and keep your Social Security account number private.Those who had items for shredding graciously donated 867 pounds of non-perishable food and $696 to a community food bank, Black Forest Cares. Many who took advantage of the free shredding opportunity lingered for coffee and pastries or chatted with the volunteer staff.The Black Forest AARP Chapter extends a sincere thanks to all who participated by bringing documents to shred. Special recognition goes to ElderWatch Colorado and Mobile Record Shredders for providing shredding trucks and professional operators. Thanks also to Walmart, COSTCO and the Black Forest Firehouse on the Run for their assistance in making the shredding event a success. Additional gratitude is extended to the Black Forest Lutheran Church for the use of their church facilities, the Black Forest Fire and Rescue for providing traffic safety cones; and especially to Ray Rozak, the project leader ó and the 41 Black Forest AARP Chapter members and volunteers who donated many hours to plan and make the shredding event a community success.The Black Forest AARP Chapter motto is “To Serve Not to Be Served.î Anyone interested in participating in community service is invited to visit http://aarpchapter1100blackforest.weebly.com/ or call Chuck at 719-749-9227 for more information on becoming a member. All are welcome, and there are no age restrictions.