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Birthday honors for AARP

The Black Forest AARP Chapter No. 1100 celebrated the completion of its 39th year of community service Sept. 14 by honoring several of the 70 chapter members who have served the chapter and the community. The meeting included a special program by Greg Glischinski from Denver, who provided an informative report on the benefits for seniors of the Colorado Affordable Care Act.Chapter past president Waldo Pendleton awarded a gold achievement pin to Howard Pease and Steve Merrill for keeping the chapter members up to date on Colorado legislative and political issues.Certificates of appreciation were presented to Kay Zvonkovich, Gwen Burk and Edna Eaton for the many years each has served the chapter above and beyond expectations. Special recognition was given to Waldo Pendleton, Joanne Pendleton and Kelly Berner, who received unique nametags commemorating 15 years of continuous Black Forest chapter membership.A certificate of appreciation was also given to Gwynn Hall for invaluable service to the chapter. The ceremony concluded with Alberta Davis recognized for 19 years of community service with another AARP chapter.Persons of all ages, faiths and ethnic backgrounds are welcome to join the chapter. Call Chuck at 719-749-9227 for meeting information.

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