The 2014 Senior Resource Council Boomers and Beyond Expo included a strong AARP presence. The Black Forest AARP Chapter, along with the AARP Foundation Senior Community Service Employment Program and the AARP Smart Driver Course trainers provided information and literature to many of the several hundred people who attended the June 7 event at the Freedom Financial Services Expo Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. AARP representatives provided information on the local Smart Driver course and schedule and the SCSEP work search program; and literature to assist individuals and families avoid scams and guide routine daily living problems. AARP volunteers also served on the event planning committee, and worked at the event registration desk. The mission of the SCSEP program is to provide subsidized job training and placement for people with limited financial resources who are age 55 or older and to provide employers with trained, motivated workers. SCSEP is an equal opportunity training program funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to the AARP Foundation, which is AARPís affiliated charity. The Colorado Springs SCSEP office serves all of El Paso County. Persons interested in job assistance services, call the SCSEP office at 719-635-3579, Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The AARP Foundation also offers free tax preparation during the tax year for low- and moderate-income individuals, with special attention for those 60 years and older. The AARP Smart Driver Course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, is the nationís first and largest refresher course designed especially for drivers age 50 and older. For more than 30 years, the course has taught millions of drivers proven strategies so they can continue driving safely for as long as possible. Courses are offered in either a traditional classroom setting taught by AARP-trained volunteer instructors or through an interactive online course taken at the participantísown pace. The course covers a variety of subjects on driver safety, including research-based safety strategies that can reduce the likelihood of a crash, learning how to allow for the changes that most seniors experience with age, current rules of the road and current technology in cars and with the highway system. The Colorado Smart Driver Program teaches a state-approved, four-hour classroom version and qualifies participants for an auto insurance discount, if they meet the age requirement of 55 years or older. The cost of the classroom course is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. To find a class near you, call 1-877-846-3299, or visit the web site at The Black Forest AARP Chapterís emphasis is on community service activities and providing helpful information, primarily to seniors and their families. The chapter motto is ìTo Serve Not to be Served.î The chapter meets the first Wednesday of each month at 12445 Black Forest Road. Chapterdues are $10 per year. All ages are welcome. For information on chapter activities and scheduled events call Chuck at 749.9227 or visit http://aarpchapter1100blackforest.weebly.comSenior Social in Black ForestTake advantage of an opportunity to get together with other people and socialize once a month at the Black Forest Lutheran Church, 12455 Black Forest Road. No membership, no dues, no obligations. The social takes place the fourth Wednesday of each month from 1 to 4 p.m. Some individuals play dominoes, others work on their needle-work or other projects they bring, and some just watch and talk. Light snacks and coffee and lemonade are furnished.The Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 sponsors the Senior Social but you do not have to be a chapter member to attend. All ages are invited. Bring a friend! Call the church office at 719-495-2221 formore information.Mark your calendars ñ Free shreddingOn Sept. 27, from 9 a.m. to noon, the Black Forest AARP Chapter in conjunctionwith AARP Foundation, ElderWatch, will conduct a free shredding event. Individuals can bring personal documents to the Black Forest Lutheran Church 12455 Black Forest Road for immediate on-site shredding. There is a limit of three copy paper-size boxes per person. No plastic bags. Your donation of box tops for education, aluminum pull tabs from soda cans, Campbellís labels, cancelledpostage stamps, non-perishable food items and monetary contributions will be grate-fully accepted. All donations will be provided to organizations that assist those inneed. For more information, contact Ray at 495-6767.