Black Forest Fire and Rescue Dep. Chief James†Rebitski presented an interesting and provocative program at the Feb. 12†AARP Chapter 1100 meeting.†Chief Rebitski discussed the latest data regarding the risk factors for†heart disease, which include heart attacks, diabetes, being overweight and obesity, high†blood†pressure, high cholesterol and activities such as smoking. He answered many†questions from the membership on these topics. The chief also presented a quick overview on how to prevent fires in the home, including maintaining fire†and carbon†monoxide detectors in good working order.†He emphasized that people who heat with wood†or have wood fireplaces should have their chimney systems inspected annually†to†make sure they are in safe working order.†Every family, regardless of whether or not they have a fireplace, should†have a home fire escape plan with at least two ways†out.†The escape plan must be well-understood by†the family members and occasionally exercised.† The Black Forest Fire and Rescue has established a website,, which has additional information on fire safety, along with†instructions on how the fire department can assist in making your home and area fire-safe. Several visitors were welcomed at the Chapter 1100†February meeting.†Other interested†individuals should contact Candace at 314-330-0411 for a chapter schedule†and†meeting times or visit our website at†All are welcome.FIGHT†FRAUD, SHRED INSTEAD.Mark your calendar†ñ- June 20 will be the Chapterís annual free shredding event at the Black Forest†Lutheran Church.