ìTo Serve Not†to be Servedî has been the AARP Chapter 1100 motto for the 47 years it has existed in†Black Forest.†This is best†represented by what the chapter has accomplished this spring and the†plans for†this summer.† † † † †In recent†weeks, the chapter has organized several events,†all free and open to the†public.†In†February, a Stroke†and Heart Attack Awareness and Response training session was offered.†In March, the chapter visited Silver Key to†learn how the charity operates. The chapter also hosted a safe-driver†class for the public that earned attendees an auto insurance discount and†updated them on†Colorado traffic laws.†† † † † †April started†with the chapter teaming again with Black Forest Fire and Rescue to provide†a†hands-on class in fire extinguisher use, with real fires and extinguishers.†Most recently, Rita†Fitzpatrick, Chapter†1100 member and member of the Colorado Springs Commission on Aging,†presented†an interactive workshop addressing the challenges, stresses and solutions for someone suddenly thrust into caring for a†spouse, friend or relative.† † † † †The April†chapter meeting honored Patricia Dix with the National AARP Chapter and REA†Unit†Community Service Award for her service as a Chapter 1100 officer, along with†her active†involvement in many projects and activities over an†extended period of time. A letter of†congratulations from JoAnn Jenkins, chief†executive officer, AARP, Washington D.C.; a framed†certificate and a distinctive†lapel pin accompanied the award.† † † †Angie Vehlewald of the Colorado†Springs Better Business Bureau presented at the April meeting, and spoke about the BBBís Certified Age Friendly Business program†in Southern†Colorado ó the first of its type in the nation. Business accreditation through†this program†helps protect residents from scammers and other nefarious†individuals who try to con residents in Southern Colorado.†† † † † †Upcoming on†June 2 is the annual free shredding event that takes place from 9 a.m. to noon at†the Black Forest Lutheran Church in Black Forest.†This event, co-hosted through the AARP†Foundation ElderWatch, has, over the years, raised hundreds of pounds of†non-perishable food and†thousands of dollars in free-will donations to†benefit a local food bank.†More†importantly, it is a†local venue that provides a safe opportunity for citizens to counter potential scam†and identity theft threats by†destroying personal documents through an on-site professional shredding†operator.† † † † †The chapter†will participate in the four Senior Resource Council Golden Guidance Series†expos†in June at Kaiser Permanente in Colorado Springs.†In†August, the chapter will have a presence at the†Black Forest Festival and later partner†with Penrose-St. Francis Hospital for a community blood drive.†† † † † †Two upcoming†chapter meeting programs will feature information on the famous Navajo Code†Talkers of World War II, and information on how captioned telephones can improve the life of a hearing†challenged person.The chapter†will have its annual picnic in July at the Black Forest Regional Park. † † † † † Anyone who would like to join this vibrant group is welcome to visit a chapter†meeting†or event. There is no age requirement for chapter membership.†Annual dues are $10 per person.†Call†Ray at 719-495-6787 or Stan at 719-596-6787†for details or visit the website at†http://aarpchapter1100blackforest.weebly.com/index.htmlBlack Forest†Chapter 1100 of AARP has been designated the Best Chapter for Community†Service†in Colorado for the past nine years.