The December meeting of†the Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 was a Yule to remember and a special observance, complete with Christmas†decorations, food and†music for all to enjoy; along with surprise gifts for many.†† † † † †Christmas music provided†by the Fermatas Recorder Group of Colorado Springs greeted attendees at the†Dec. 13†meeting.†An extensive†catered lunch of turkey, ham, dressing with all the trimmings plus a large array†of salad and festive†desserts, delighted the 60-plus members and guests who†attended.† † † † †The highlight of the†business meeting was the election of chapter officers for 2018.†Jeremiah Mora, the AARP†Colorado†Associate State Director-Community Outreach, will install the newly†elected chapter officers in a ceremony†at the Jan. 10 meeting.†† † † † †In addition to the†installation of officers, the program for the January chapter meeting will feature†the topic of†caregiving for family members and friends.†Members were also reminded to consider†attending the monthly Senior Social at the†Black Forest Lutheran Church the†afternoon of Jan. 24.†The Senior†Social is open to everyone ó attendees do not have to be members of the Black†Forest AARP Chapter.† † † † †Several chapter†volunteers were recognized for their community service supporting the Colorado†Springs Senior Resource†Council annual holiday dinner dance at†the civic auditorium in the Springs.†Chapter†members volunteering for events such as this†contribute to the welfare of the community, reflect well on chapter 1100, and†support the chapterís active role in the community.† † † † †Last, but not†least, a drawing took place at the Dec. 13 meeting for the numerous gaily wrapped Christmas presents, donated by chapter members.†Many pleasant surprises were unwrapped and taken home as happy reminders†of the day.† † † † †Individuals interested in†doing community service, while having some fun, social activities and lots of†great food, should†consider joining Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100.†The annual dues are only $10, and all ages are welcome. For more information, call Stan at†719-596-6787 or visit the chapter website at†