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Shredding event fights fraud and combats hunger

A free shredding opportunity at the Black Forest Lutheran Church took place June 10. The event allowed 371†individuals from 18 different postal ZIP Codes to take advantage of professionally operated shredding equipment to safely†destroy about 15,800 pounds of unneeded personal documents. The shredded documents, plus paper sacks, and a large†contingent of cardboard boxes, were all recycled.† † † † †The free shredding event provided an opportunity for the community to safely destroy unneeded†personal documents; thus, preventing them from falling into the hands of nefarious individuals who could use them to scam†individuals or steal their personal identity.†† † † † †Those who presented items for shredding also graciously donated a total of 610 pounds of non-perishable food and†$1,123 to Black Forest Cares, a local community food bank. Many who brought items to shred lingered for camaraderie, complementary†coffee and pastries.† † † † †The event volunteers wore bright shirts provided by the AARP Foundation that proclaimed ìFight Fraud ñ Shred Insteadî†and listed some basic rules on how a person can protect himself or herself from identity theft.† † † † †Special appreciation goes to ElderWatch Colorado for providing shredding trucks and professional operators. Additional†gratitude is extended to the Black Forest Lutheran Church for the use of their church facilities, the Black Forest Fire and†Rescue for providing the safety cones, and especially to Ray Rozak, the project leader, and the 25 Black Forest AARP Chapter†members and the 10 other volunteers who donated their time and services to make the shredding event a†community success.† † † † †The Black Forest AARP Chapter works hard to serve the local community. †The chapter motto is “To Serve Not to Be†Served.îVisit††or call Chuck at 303-807-6933 to learn how you can visit or become a chapter†member. There are no age restrictions. All are welcome.

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