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On the Street in Black Forest

The New Falcon Herald spotted Annette Campbell at the Black Forest Arts & Crafts Guild 52nd Annual Fall Show and Sale. A Black Forest resident and guild member, Campbell, age 60, took a break from selling her handmade soaps to talk with the NFH about her craft and her Black Forest roots.NFH: How long have you lived in Black Forest?Campbell: My mom and dad retired here from the Air Force in 1969 or 1970, when I was 12 or 13. He built his house on Shoup Road in 1971. Iíve lived here off and on.I left for a couple of years. I moved for work in the early ë70s after high school, when I graduated and got a job; but I eventually ended up back here.NFH: What do you like most about living in Black Forest?Campbell: I love the beauty of it, the privacy and just being close to the forest and nature. I love how quiet and dark it is at night, too.NFH: What do you do for a living?Campbell: I am a homebody! I retired from microbiology research. Now, Iím a self-employed artist at the (Black Forest Arts &) Crafts Guild. I went to (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs) for school and did research on clean coal in the ë80s. When I graduated, I then drove a school bus for District 20 to pay the bills, and then I got a job in Denver working for the state. I did that for about four and a half years. Commuting was awful! I moved back to work down here for about five years.NFH: Whereís your favorite spot in Black Forest and what makes it special?Campbell: Right now, I love to ride my horse on the Section 16 trail. But there are many places in Black Forest that I love. Iíve been here a long time.NFH: What do you want Black Forest to be in five years?Campbell: Iíd like it to not be as crowded as it is! Thereís been a lot of changes over time. There are still old-timers here, like my dad. Most have moved, and some of the old cabins are like mansions now. Thatís changed the character a bit. Weíre a tight community, and I like it that way.NFH: Whatís your favorite Christmas or holiday tradition?Campbell: Our whole family ó the ones in the area ó try to gather at my dadís house for Christmas Eve and share a meal, take photos, talk and enjoy our evolving family. Heís now 81 and in good health Ö and is still living in the house he built. And Iím very lucky to be this close and be of help to him.NFH: Tell us about your craft.Campbell: Soap making is the main thing I do for the guild. I enjoy experimenting with it! Itís a little bit of kitchen chemistry, and you can do a lot of things with it ó with scents and herbs. Iíve been doing it for about 25 years. A friend went on a trip, and she gave me Ö a book on soap making. She said, ìWonít we have fun with this?î I have! Sheís moved away now, but Iím still having fun with it.

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