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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

National Grandparentsí Day is Sunday, Sept. 13. Oh, but itís only April ó and I shouldnít wish away the summer, especially after this winter. But for all grandparents out there, youíll understand my enthusiasm. John and I just welcomed our first grandchild: Harper Alyse Baldwin made her earthly debut March 18. The proud parents are Megan and Jesse Baldwin.This beautiful baby girl is my oldest daughterís first child, and I still remember when Megan was our ìfirst.î It was a ìfirstî like no other.Everyoneís lives are so full of ìfirsts.î The first day of school, the first date, the first car, the first day of work, the first home, the first baby ó and so on. However, there is something about the first grandchild that is extra special. Maybe itís the awe of watching your first-born ó or any of your children ó become a mother (or father) for the first time. Maybe itís knowing that we can answer all the babyís cries and cater to her whims, and then send her home to mom and dad! Maybe itís knowing that grandmas and grandpas donít have to balance the joy of giving with reality, like how much sugar should they really eat? Go to grandmaís house, and the cookies are always available.And maybe itís knowing from our own experience that grandparents are a reprieve, a guiding light, a friend, a home-away-from-home. And maybe deep down inside (with some well-earned relief) we know that grandchild is ours to love and cherish, but the absolute responsibility belongs to our own children. With great pride, I know my daughter will be a wonderful mother, and her sisters will be the best aunts ever. I know my son-in-law is going to be an awesome dad; my other son-in-law an excellent uncle. I couldnít ask for anything better in life.When I was a young mother, I remember people telling me to enjoy those early years because they go by so fast. With three girls and constant trips to dance lessons, rock climbing lessons, school events, etc., I thought, ìWhen is this time going to start flying by?î Well, it did, and with age comes insight, so grandparents also know that before long that new baby will be graduating from high school! Thus, I will plan lots of trips to North Carolina, where this new family lives, and enjoy every moment spent with my new grandchild ó and her parents, of course.Thanks for letting me share this incredible experience with you. I promise I wonít be bringing you updates about all the firsts that will happen during Harperís first year. I just want to say that I am so happy to be ìGrandma.îSee you in May! Meanwhile, please make sure to support our advertisers, as their support makes this newspaper possible!– Michelle

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