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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

It’s not often that I take time to ponder the small stuff in my life as a business owner.†The miniscule, often mundane, tasks that I’ve done so many times have become second nature, almost automatic. In keeping with that theme of NOT pondering the small stuff, this month I have†made it a point to focus, more importantly, on the people that make The New Falcon Herald a great newspaper.††Possibly the most important lesson I’ve learned as a small business owner is that the people you work with are much more than co-workers. They are family. They are your support system (in business and in life), your think-tank, your comic relief.††They are the people that I†simply couldnít ó and wouldn’t ó want to function without.††The people that I depend on.††The people that depend on me.I’ve made a list and checked it twice and unlike an on-the-spot award show, I have had time to think about each one of my team members and his or her importance to the success of The New Falcon Herald.††So, here goes.††Thank you Angie, Betty, Bill, Christel, Dean, Deb, Dennis,†Don, Jason, Jill, John, Jose, Kathy H., Kathy W., Lara, Laura, Lindsey, Lori, Marylou, Megan, Nathan B., Nathan K., Pam, Rebecca, Robin, Susan and Tim for your commitment to making the NFH the best small town newspaper ever!††Also, thank you to each one of our advertisers†for making the newspaper possible.††Without your advertising support there would be no newspaper.††And finally, thank you NFH reader!††You’re the reason that we keep writing, selling, editing and distributing each and every month.Oh, and Happy Motherís Day to everyone! Some of our NFH moms wrote tidbits of advice for saving time and multi-tasking. I was always grateful for a few pointers from experienced mothers.May is also a month to remember our fallen soldiers. Did you know that in December 2000, Congress passed legislation requiring Americans to pause a few minutes at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day to honor those fallen soldiers. I honestly did not know that, but it would be kind†of cool for everyone in the country to stop what they are doing at 3 p.m. What a nice testament that would be to those who have fought and died for us.†Have a great May ó see you in June.– Michelle

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