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El Paso County Colorado District 49

From D 49 Chief Education Officer

As we head into the 2011-12 school year, I am beginning my 29th year with Falcon School District 49. My heart and my passion for education are here in D 49, and I am fascinated each day by the outstanding work of our students and staff. I have worked in our schools as a teacher and principal and also in our central office as an administrator. Now, I have taken on a new role as chief education officer. My focus is on education and instructional matters in the district, and I work closely with our innovation leaders as they set goals and address challenges in their schools. This district has been my home for nearly three decades, and I am thrilled to be supporting our students in this capacity.My goal is to make sure every one of our students has the opportunity to engage in innovative 21st century learning. Falcon School District 49 is proud to pursue a groundbreaking innovation initiative that demands excellence from all staff and students by providing the resources necessary to build the educational experience around the specific needs of students. To prepare our students for success, education must be dynamic; changing to meet the global, 21st century work force they will soon enter.Freedom, flexibility and efficiency are key elements of our innovation initiative. We aim to provide opportunities for each student to reach his or her potential by directing resources straight to the classroom, where they have the most impact on learning. Each of our four innovation zones works to develop programs and curriculum that best meets the needs of its students and community. I invite you to explore the range of stimulating, relevant programs and learning strategies in place at each of our schools.Our district and school leaders are working to establish a cohesive educational environment that is in place from the time a child enters preschool to the time the student moves on to postsecondary opportunities. In D 49, we are preparing students in a safe and caring environment to be successful, competent and productive citizens in a global society. We value and rely upon support from our community members. Community engagement is critical to the success of our students, and I welcome you to visit any of our schools or facilities to see the amazing work being done in D 49.

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