We are now moving into the final days of the school year, and the past weeks have been filled with exciting events honoring the outstanding accomplishments of our students and teachers. I am working closely with our Innovation leaders and am thrilled to see the progress being made within each Innovation Zone. Along with this process come remarkable opportunities for our students as we head into the next school year.The Sand Creek Innovation Zone held its second innovation assembly, discussing ideas to include in the zoneís plan. Some key elements include a focus on creating a professional learning community throughout the zone, developing a new teacher evaluation system and building time into the daily schedule for interventions. Currently, the buildings are working on innovation ideas to meet the needs of their students and staff; and the leaders within the zone are working to develop operational systems that will guide the zone as a cohesive, purposeful organization.The Falcon Innovation Zone also held its second innovation assembly and discussed two key items. By comparing and contrasting the innovation plan ideas by each school, the zone is moving closer to building an effective innovation plan. In addition, the group talked about developing a motto or slogan, presenting more than 20 ideas that will help brand the zone. All schools will present their final innovation plans to the Board of Education in the fall.In the Vista Ridge Zone, leaders are discussing the plan for information technology and how that will support future curriculum decisions. Innovation planning continues at the building level, with a focus on student time in the classroom and evaluation measures. The zone is still working on developing its mission and vision and will host a community picnic Saturday, June 25, from 10 a.m. ñ 2 p.m. at Skyview Middle School.The iConnect Zone has been working to develop ideas for a charter high school and is exploring options that will support the goals of the zone. Innovation leader Kim McClelland met individually with all staff members at Patriot Learning Center and is continuing to develop a dialogue about the schoolís innovation plan.Plus, the district is proud to announce expanded bus service for the 2011-12 school year. Next year, every D 49 student, including charter and choice students, will have the opportunity to ride the bus to school. The fee for riding the bus is $1 per ride and students will have a ride card that is scanned each time he or she gets onto the bus ñ they only pay if they ride. If a student rides to and from school every day of the school year, it will cost a total of $372. In April, the Falcon School District Board of Education voted to provide bus service to students in a manner that is self-sustaining and does not require money from the districtís budget ñ the fee supports the service. The intent of this fee-for-service is to help maintain core services for our students and lessen the severity of the 2011-12 budget reductions. Submit your application and learn more at http://d49.org.Many of our staff members will be staying busy with offices open throughout the summer months. The Districtís central office will be open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. ñ 4 p.m. from May 31-July 30.Thank you for all of the support you have provided to our students and schools this school year ñ it has been so exciting to see our students learning and growing. It takes an entire community to prepare our students for success, and I appreciate your dedication to making sure every student has an exceptional experience in the Falcon School District.