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El Paso County Colorado District 49

Board update

The D 49 board of education met June 27 and approved the following items on the consent agenda:

  • The Banning Lewis Ranch Academy 2007-2008 budget, the Rocky Mountain Classical Academy 2007-2008 budget
  • An extension of the contract with Strategic Resources West for planning assistance through June 2008 for $37,200
  • Continuation of the contract with Energy Service Associates for construction management for $195,000 through June 2008
  • Extension of the Superintendent Dr. Nancy Wright’s contract through the 2007-2008 school year
The board unanimously (unless otherwise noted) approved the following items on the action items agenda:
  • A motion to appropriate $83,732,656 from the general fund, plus $71,067,572 from various other funds, for the 2007-2008 budget. The budget is based on 5 percent expected growth in enrollment
  • Expenditures from the beginning balance fund in the amount of $43,447,360. These expenditures are one-time expenditures and do not cause an ongoing deficit to the district
  • A memorandum of understanding with regard to the Falcon Employee Involvement Committee, which will meet with the district to resolve questions and concerns regarding compensation and working conditions
  • A pay increase for guest (substitute) teachers from $80 per day to $90 per day in order to remain competitive with other districts; the district maintains a list of 200 to 300 substitute teachers
  • The 2007-2008 administrative salary schedule, which includes a 2.7 percent cost of living increase and other increases for a total of 5.13 percent
  • Contract items for installed systems at high school No. 3 for $769,170.19
  • Contract items for installed systems at the new Falcon High School for $63,094.90.
  • Amendment to the contract with GE Johnson Construction for changes in construction for the new Falcon High School for $57,650.
  • Appointment of Henry Reitwiesner to the Falcon/Peyton Small Area Master Plan Advisory Committee
  • The grant of a utility easement to Colorado Springs Utilities for water and wastewater lines at high school No. 3
  • The grant of a utility easement to Meridian Ranch Development Company for recycled water along Eastonville Road at New Falcon High School
  • Participation in Hewlett Packard’s beta test program for wireless equipment at the new Falcon High School for $135,624
  • A motion that the board request and accept the contribution of $2.5 million from the Falcon Community Builders for Classrooms for use on the high school No. 3 second story wing completion project and that a cash flow estimate be prepared and delivered to the FCBC by the district’s finance department
  • A motion to transfer title via warranty deed to the city of Colorado Springs for Black Forest Road and North Collector Road rights of way at high school No. 3: This transfer is part of the pre-annexation agreement between the district and the city.
  • A motion to extend the lease for Rocky Mountain Classical Academy for one year
Eric Paugh, assistant superintendent for Learning Services, introduced new staff members:
  • Debbie Jones, new principal for Springs Ranch Elementary School
  • Sheldon DeWitt, new assistant principal for Sand Creek High School, formerly a teacher at Horizon Middle School
  • Randy Johnson, the new director of secondary education for learning services
Paugh also led a discussion of the assessment committee’s recommendation that the district should implement Scantron as the district’s student diagnostic tool. Scantron offers immediate test results, allowing new students to be placed immediately in the proper classroom, works over wireless networks and helps students prepare for CSAP testing.The Wellness Policy Council, a teacher/parent group formed to implement the federal government’s wellness legislation, reported on their progress in revising the district’s wellness guidelines. The guidelines will be posted at Collins led a discussion about giving physical education credits to students involved in after-school athletics, marching band and ROTC. “These activities are strenuous and time-consuming. Giving credits to students involved in these activities would free up their schedules for electives and reduce physical education class sizes, which are already too crowded,” she said.Wright led a discussion about changing the procedure for approving travel. The current policy requires the board to approve all student travel. Given the number of board meetings that were cancelled due to weather in the past year, Dr. Wright suggested that the policy be changed so that the superintendent approves travel and reports those approvals to the board on a regular basis.The board also heard discussion of a proposed land use agreement for parking cars on YMCA land adjacent to Sand Creek High School if the board approves a proposal for a steel classroom at the high school.The board entered executive session to receive legal counsel on the subjects of building a steel classroom at Sand Creek High School for $1,099,672 and the sale of additional (COPs) Certificates of Participation to cover the cost of completing the new high schools, which are about $14 million over budget.After executive session, the BOE approved a contract with Elder Construction Inc. for $1,100,000 to build a steel building at Sand Creek High School that will house eight classrooms. The schedule for completion has shifted from 10/23/2007 to Thanksgiving 2007.The BOE also approved a motion to sell additional COPs to cover the cost of completing the new high schools.

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