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Speaking of the BLRA

Last month the NFH published an article on the long wait lines parents encounter when picking up their children at the Banning Lewis Ranch Academy. The BLRA board indicated in the article that they were working on the problem, so the NFH followed up to assess their progress. Kim Davis, the principal of BLRA, is still on a leave of absence because of health issues. However, she is expected to return after the first of the year.The Banning Lewis Ranch public relations specialist, Kim Mutchler, provided the following information on the attempts to resolve the long wait lines. Mutchler said a committee comprised of parents, board members and school administrators recommended that the staggered release times be eliminated and a walkie talkie system be put in place to bring the students out of their classrooms to the parents. The drivers of the cars present a family number to the person carrying the walkie talkie and the kids are led to the cars. “It has to be somewhat of a controlled environment,” Mutchler said. The NFH will follow up in a couple of months with the parents.Mutchler also said they will be changing the traffic flow in and out of the development to accommodate the construction activity that is expected to increase over the next six weeks.

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