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Health and Wellness

Your vote counts

Adapted by Francine J. Palmer, DC (from the Colorado Chiropractic Association)Election Day is just around the corner, and this is a chance to fight for our rights! This is an opportunity to take legislative action to influence health care. If health care quality and choices are important to you and your family, take steps to protect them. You can make a difference by being involved in government at both the state and federal levels, where many decisions about your health care are made. Federal elected officials propose and pass laws regarding Medicare and health care for veterans and active duty military personnel. At the state level, lawmakers shape benefits for group health insurance, worker’s compensation and auto insurance. With your input, lawmakers will know what you want and make informed decisions on health care issues.Find out where candidates and current legislators stand on health care issues. An informative Web site is This non-partisan group collects information from candidates on a number of issues, including health care. Quality, affordable health care that includes the therapies and treatments you and your family need should be part of the goals of each legislator and/or candidate. If a health care issue seems too complex, contact the candidates or legislators and ask them to explain the impact of their plan to you. Vote for the candidate you feel most closely represents your interests. After the legislator is elected, hold them to their campaign promises!Let your legislators know what you think. If you have had problems finding a doctor, paying for your health insurance or obtaining health care coverage, your elected officials need to know. With your input, they will be able to craft laws that will serve the needs of you and your family. Read newspapers and listen to television newscasts for information on health care issues and be prepared to contact the appropriate people.Don’t be afraid to contact your legislators; they make the laws and they need to hear from you. Know your federal and state senators and representatives. Check for federal senators or for federal representatives, or for state senators and representatives: Write down your legislators’ addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. Keep them in a place you can easily access them.Write a letter or e-mail. Make it short, one page is enough. Say that you live in the legislator’s district. State in one sentence what you need. Tell a little about your situation/problem. Include information on how they can contact you. Or you can make a phone call. Call your legislators at their office. Tell them your name and where you live. Briefly state why you are calling. Be polite, speak slowly, keep your cool, and keep it short. If you reach voice mail, use the same guidelines to leave a message. Thank your legislators for their time.With some attention and perseverance, we can have people in government representing our true health concerns.Palmer Chiropractic494-1395www.palmer-chiropractic.comFirst published in the Colorado Springs Business Journal Health Quarterly.

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