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Letters to the Editor

Yes on C & D

Are we on top of our game? Are we planning for a world that will never be? Ignorance and apathy is our biggest competitor. We cannot tax- cut our way to community wealth creation.”When the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is in sight,” said Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric.This particular statement concerns me as it pertains to our region. We have growth all around us yet we have people like Doug Bruce in elected positions. His statements against C and D are meant to deceive and mislead voters. What has he ever done for the betterment of our community? What boards is he on? What nonprofits does he support?Do you know two of the fastest growing states for business? They are Wisconsin and Minnesota. Guess what, they are not just cold states – they are also highly taxed states.The only constant is change. We all have to be good change managers. There is danger and opportunity on the horizon and we need to be prepared for it. We need to be able to see over the horizon and put plans in place for things we never think of currently in our busy lives.We need to pass Referenda C and D. Obviously, quality of life, skilled professionals and a skilled labor pool are influencers for a company to relocate here.Without C and D our higher learning institutions will take a big hit, causing a decrease in our skilled labor pool, which will directly affect our ability to recruit companies as well as grow existing ones.Lon MatejczykPublisher of the Colorado Springs Business Journal, or 329-5202

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