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Letters to the Editor

Woodmen Hills water restrictions

I am writing in regards to the recent letter informing us of the Woodmen Hills water restrictions. Let me start by saying that, as a native of Colorado, I am a proponent of water restrictions. I realize that water is a limited resource and needs to be used carefully. Mt concern lies in the decision making process leading up to these restrictions and if they will indeed help conserve our water.To begin: Why were whole days chosen to restrict water? It seems more prudent to not allow watering during the heat of the day as well as to educate people to not water when it’s windy or has recently rained. In addition, it might help to list sprinkler types that are the most effective and water saving. We are also planting our trees and doing landscaping that requires water in stages. Why? Newly planted trees require more water to become established; once established, you can cut back on the watering. Also, why not ban people from washing their cars at home? Car washes use reclaimed water.If you are so concerned about saving water and helping us save money on our bills, why did you do away with the rebates that used to be offered for people that use 5,000 gallons or less of water, and why did you raise the minimum gallon usage to 7,000 gallons? It seems that if you want people to save water, it might be helpful to offer incentives, such as the rebates, for doing just that. During fall, winter and spring months we do not come close to using 7,000 gallons; however, since you no longer offer rebates for lower usage, I have not been trying as hard to practice water saving ideas inside the home. If I’m paying for it, I might as well use it! How about crediting those accounts for the difference between what was used and the 7,000 gallons and applying that in the summer months when people may exceed the 7,000 gallons?These are just some of my thoughts and concerns. If you have information on how and why your decisions were reached I would appreciate a response.Ann TaylorFalcon

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