On April 9, the El Paso County Clerk and Recorderís Office approved petitions submitted by the committee to recall Woodmen Hills Metropolitan District board members Jan Pizzi and Bryan Mendiola. The petition forms were submitted by Ron Pace on behalf of committee members Amy Schmidt, Nicole Dillon and Christine Jenkins, according to the CRO.The committee collected the required signatures and submitted them for approval but on June 4, the CRO issued a notice of insufficiency to the members, indicating that not enough valid signatures were obtained to initiate a recall election. The committee members resubmitted their petitions, and the CRO issued a ruling of sufficiency June 25, said Ryan Parsell, public information officer.The WHMD board held a special meeting June 11 in anticipation of a recall that would force a special election; they unanimously approved a resolution adopting the utilization of the uniform election code of 1992. The resolution mandates that any recall elections during the 2014 year will be held in conjunction with the regular election in November.According to Pizziís recall petition, the following are the reasons (verbatim) for her recall: ìJanice Pizzi has unethical relationships with district employees against district policy, misuse of fund continuing on a daily basis. Mrs. Pizzi continues to ignore constituents [sic] concerns and fails to disclose to WHMD residents our ëtrueí current financial situation. Jan condones nepotism that currently exists within the district that affects daily operations. Because of nepotism, employees were forced to resign as a result of their hours being cut. Jan was involved in the firing of 6 Woodmen Hills employees, and then denies it to the public.îAccording to Mendiolaís recall petition, the reasons for his recall as stated: ìDirector Mendiola has failed to address his duties as direct liaison for the Park and Rec. Director Mendiola failed to address the concerns of the prior Park and Rec Director and allowed work place [sic] nepotism that effected [sic] cohesiveness in the workplace. Director Mendiola failed in his duties as board member to make sound financial decisions that cost all residents additional higher monthly fees. For years Director Mendiola allowed district trucks to be used by district employees at resident expense.îPizzi said that all the items in her recall petition are false. ìThe things theyíre trying to recall me for, I didnít do,î she said. ìItís a shame. Itís not necessary. We need to come together right now, not be pulled apart.îParsell said that both Pizzi and Mendiola have an opportunity to protest the petitions. Pizzi said she will be protesting her recall.Mendiola did not get back to the NFH in time for deadline.