The Woodmen Hills Metropolitan Districtís Board of Directors met for their monthly meeting March 27. An executive session was held prior to the meeting, and about 15 residents attended.After approving last monthís board meeting minutes, board president Keith Moulton said the YMCA has opted out of the potential contract to oversee the recreation centers. would not be going on as hoped. Moultan said interviews have been conducted for a new director for the parks and recreation department and a decision should be made within the week.Two ex-employees of the parks department, Amy Schmitt and Nicole Dylan, voiced concern over how the department has been operating, as well as wrongful termination. Moultan said he would not get into personnel issues during a board meeting.Residents also voiced concern over the ongoing issues with the recreation centers, notably the restricted hours. They said the recreation department seems to cater to people with children. They opened all week for spring break and plan to open during the summer months when kids are out of school. Moultan said usage determines the hours of operation. ìFew residents were using the facility during those hours, and it is just about cost,î he said. ìWe thought we had a solution with the Y, but that was turned down.î Moultan said it will be up to the new director to review the hours and work within the approved 2014 budget.Tabitha Barile, currently with the parks and recreation department, said they have been trying to drum up more business for the activities offered. ìWe attended the St. Patrickís Day parade, as well as the sports expo, and we have signed up a few people from the Springs for swim classes and soccer based off of those events,î she said. ìSoccer registration is at 170 kids, which was more than last year.î She said they were reviewing landscaping bids, and will award that contract March 31.Plans for the April 19 Easter egg hunt are under way, as well as discussions for the date of the neighborhood garage sale.Lisa Peterson, WHMD administrative director, mentioned the theft of sporting equipment from the west center. Five kettle bells were stolen, and they are reviewing the security tapes for those incidents. Since the theft, they have introduced stricter procedures for signing out the equipment, as well as new locks and codes for the doors.Gene Cozzoline, water and wastewater director, discussed the backup pump. He said the cost of a used pump would cost $10,000, but half could be refunded through a grant from the insurance company. The pump has already been rented for one day, and the rental cost would be refunded if the pump is purchased. The pump will provide an eight-hour backup to the lift station. The board unanimously voted to buy the pump.One of the pumps at the Falcon Lift Station was broken, but Cozzoline said it was under warranty. ìSince it is under warranty, contractors are replacing it at no cost to us,î he said. The pump at Falcon Highlands, maintained by the district, once again was blocked by debris. ìIt would be expensive upgrades to stop the constant blockage of that pump,î Cozzoline said.Other water and wastewater issues were addressed, such as the fire hydrant off Midnight and Eastonville roads that was hit by a car. The carís insurance company is paying for the cost, and the pipe had to be replaced. Two new wastewater employees have been hired, with March and April start dates. Cozzoline said that 98 work orders were completed and three new meters installed.Board member Brian Mendiola brought up the idea of a seminar for the residents on financial security. ìSomething on overall investment management, fixed incomes … we could bring in people from town, banks, Morgan Stanley, to do some presentations,î he said.The next WHMD board meeting is April 27 at 6:30 at the Woodmen Hills Community Center West.