Substantial progress has been made toward the construction of Winsome development, which is located at the northwest corner of Hogden Road and Meridian Road. The main entrance is off Hogden Road.
“Sales have been very brisk,” said Joe DesJardin, director of entitlements for ProTerra Properties, the developers of Winsome. “We are pleased with the project.”
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners has approved the last final plat, filing 3, which consists of 38 single family 5-acre lots. DesJarden said that because approval came so late in the year, work would probably not start on filing 3 until next April. He said all infrastructure on filings 1 and 2, with just over 100 lots of 2.5 acres each, has been completed. DesJardin said three of the homes in Winsome are listed with Parade of Homes. At buildout, there will be 146 lots on 766 acres.
Each lot will have its own well and wastewater system. Water rights for the individual lots have been obtained from the original owners of the property. The subdivision is included in the Black Forest Preservation Plan.
Water conservation will be encouraged and a dark sky initiative will be maintained. Outdoor lighting will be restricted and there will be no streetlights. With some restrictions, livestock will be allowed on the individual lots. Native vegetation will be maintained as much as possible.
Metropolitan districts on the first two filings have been formed and are in the process of being turned over to homeowners. There will be no homeowners association; covenants will be enforced by the metropolitan districts.
A 7-acre parcel at the intersection of Hogden and Meridian roads has been zoned commercial, in accordance with the Black Forest Preservation Plan. However, DesJardin said no commercial businesses have expressed an interest in the commercial area, which will be served by a separate metropolitan district.
The subdivision also consists of 140 acres of open space, with trails on both sides of West Kiowa Creek, which bisects the property.
The property is located in Falcon School District 49. In lieu of donating land for a school, developers are paying a fee to the school system. Winsome is within the boundaries of the Falcon Fire Protection District.