Feature Articles

Winsome subdivision approved

On July 9, the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved three requests by McCune Ranch LLC that lay the groundwork for the eventual development of the Winsome subdivision. The property is located at the northwest corner of the Hodgen Road and Meridian Road intersection and is included within the boundaries of the Black Forest Preservation Plan.One request sought to rezone 7.88 acres from the agricultural-35 zoning district to the commercial community zoning district. Another sought to rezone 350.26 acres from the residential rural-5 and A-35 zoning districts to the residential rural-2.5 zoning district.The property now consists of the following: 7.88 acres of commercial community zoning; 350.26 acres of RR-2.5; and 408.52 acres of RR-5.The final request sought approval of the preliminary plan to create 143 single family residential lots ñ- with an overall density of one dwelling unit per 5 acres ó one commercial lot, 151.238 acres of open space and rights-of-way on 766.66 acres.According to the application, ìThe applicant is proposing to preserve areas having floodplain, wetlands and other significant natural features in an open space tract.îOn July 23, the BOCC unanimously approved a request by ProTerra Properties LLC, for a Colorado Revised Statutes Title 32 Special District service plan for the Winsome Metropolitan Districts No. 1, 2, 3 and 4. As part of the service plan, the districts are allowed the following: a maximum debt authorization of $20 million, a debt service mill levy of 55.277 mills, an operations and maintenance mill levy of 10 mills and 5 mills for covenant enforcement.Those special districts would provide the following: street improvements and safety protection; design, construction, financing and maintenance of drainage facilities; design, acquisition, construction and maintenance of recreation facilities; mosquito control; and covenant enforcement.

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