Last April, Serenity Springs Wildlife Center in Calhan, Colo., applied for a Captive-Bred Wildlife Registration, to be able to breed certain animals in their care. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service denied the request in November.According to the letter from the FWS, Serenity Springs has been noncompliant with regard to the Animal Welfare Act, based on the United States Department of Agriculture reports over the past two years. The letter states, ìSince a number of the noncompliant items for animal care and housing are serious violations of the Animal Welfare Act, we are unable to find that you meet the issuance requirement of having adequate expertise, facilities, and resources to conduct your purpose under the CBW registration.îIn an article in the November issue of The New Falcon Herald, ìBreeding permit on hold for wildlife center,î the USDA cited problems with the facilityís perimeter fencing, food preparation area for the animals and sanitary conditions. To follow up on the citations, inspectors had been unable to access the facility on several occasions.According to the FWS letter, Serenity Springs applied for the registration for the ìenhancement of propagation and survivalî of some species of tigers, the leopard, the snow leopard, the clouded leopard, the brown hyena and the cheetah.Serenity Springs can request a reconsideration of their application, but they must first submit a report from the USDA showing full compliance of the Animal Welfare Act. The FWS will then consider issuing the registration ìfor a restricted period pending the establishment of a record of compliance,î according to the FWS letter. Nick Sculac is the owner of the nonprofit Serenity Springs, and Julie Walker is the director of operations. Walker said they are eager to resolve the issue with the USDA before they resubmit the application. Walker said their desire to breed the animals is for the survival of the species. ìWe believe that species survival is a very important part of conservation,î she said.