On April 8, the Upper Big Sandy Ground Water Management District asked director Larry Mott to investigate allegations of about 2.4 million gallons of water missing from Calhanís municipal wells during July, August and September 2014. Mott sent his findings to the Colorado Bureau of Investigations and also presented them to the Upper Big Sandy board of directors at a special meeting on May 6.At that meeting, the board heard Mottís presentation, and Morris Ververs, board president, said the district had two options, according to the June issue of The New Falcon Herald. With the first option, the board would conduct a hearing, requesting that Calhan respond to the report regarding the missing water; or the board could focus on clarifying, strengthening and revising the regulations on how water is sold by the town of Calhan.The board unanimously voted to revise the regulations, with the goal of maintaining a good relationship with Calhan. Mott abstained from voting because of his role in the investigation.Laura Wilson, a local property owner who attended the May 6 meeting, said, ìThe Upper Big Sandy board essentially voted to work with the people, in this case the town of Calhan, who stole the water. If it were anyone else who had done it, they wouldíve been prosecuted.îSusan Medina, CBI public information officer, confirmed that the investigation is still ongoing; and, because of that, she said she cannot discuss details about the case. Additionally, Lee Richards, community outreach director with the 4th Judicial District Attorneyís Office, said they have shared information with the CBI on the investigation but said that since the CBI is the lead investigative agency, it would be up to them to comment.Greg Maggard was Calhanís director of public works at the time the water went missing; and, according to an email sent to The New Falcon Herald from Cindy Tompkins, the town clerk, Maggard resigned from his position at the beginning of June for ìpersonal reasons.î The NFH could not reach Maggard for comment.