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Health and Wellness

When Holiday Tips Fall Short

Another day, another article on holiday weight loss tips. Ever wonder why many people still gain weight this time of year despite the fact that holiday weight loss tips are passed around in greater numbers than Christmas cookies?Don’t get me wrong, weight loss tips are great. I love to find creative ways to cut calories and increase activity during the most fattening time of the year. In fact, here are 10 great tips that may prevent weight gain over the holidays:Limit intake of calorie-laden beverages. Eggnog, champagne, mochas and hot chocolate all have one thing in common – they are packed with empty calories. Avoid these beverages and load up on water instead. Officially schedule exercise on the calendar. It’s too easy to let workouts slide this time of year. Making a commitment to exercise will help keep it. Forego making goodies. Keeping holiday treats away from the house will help keep the extra pounds off. If you have to make Christmas cookies, chewing gum during the baking process will help prevent snacking. Have fun being active. Winter is a great time to burn calories outdoors by skiing or taking the kids sledding. No snow in sight? No problem – a brisk bike ride or power walk through the mall will help burn extra calories. Use healthy ingredients. The holiday meal will taste even better when using fresh, organic and low fat ingredients.

  • Learn to compromise. Dying to have that peppermint mocha? Go ahead! But have it with nonfat milk and pass on the whipped cream. Don’t go hungry. The holidays are a dangerous time for metabolism. Focusing on eating small, balanced meals every few hours will help keep the body’s metabolism going strong. Enjoy a sample. It is not necessary to completely avoid the appetizers and desserts at a holiday party – they can be enjoyed in moderation. Focus on family not food. Let’s face it; this time of year is big on two things: family and food. Focusing primarily on family may help take the focus away from food. Stick to a strategy. The best way to gain weight over the holidays is to approach them without a plan. Using the above tips, write down the ways in which you plan to avoid weight gain this year; then periodically check up on yourself.Following these tips may decrease holiday weight gain and maybe even help lose a pound or two!David Corder NSCA-CPTwww.perfectfitwc.comRECIPE OF THE MONTHCelery sticks with roasted-garlic hummusHere’s a healthy and tasty recipe to enjoy with family and friends this holiday season.Servings: 4Here’s what you need…* 2 garlic cloves, peeled* 15 oz can cooked garbanzo beans, drained* 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice* 8 stalks celery, cut into thick slices* 1 teaspoon olive oil* 4 tablespoons water* salt and cracked black pepper to taste* 1 teaspoon dried parsleyPreheat the oven or toaster oven to 350 F. Wrap the garlic cloves in foil and roast for 10 minutes.For the hummus, in a food processor, combine the roasted garlic, garbanzo beans, lemon juice, olive oil and water. Pulse until a smooth paste forms. Season with sail and pepper.Arrange the celery sticks on a plate. Serve the hummus in a small bowl and garnish with dried parsley.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 132 calories, 3g fat, 21g carbohydrate, and 6g protein.

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