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Waterbury ready for planning commission

In January, the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved the master development plan for the Waterbury subdivision, located north of U.S. Highway 24 and Stapleton Road, east of the Meridian Ranch subdivision. Peter Martz, project manager, said the area is 332 acres and will contain 1010 lots.Martz, who is part of 4 Way Ranch Joint Venture, said the development and zoning approvals have already been granted, and the next step is submitting the permitting plan to the El Paso County Planning Commission for the first phase of development.ìWeíll be doing (the development) in segments and smaller filings,î Martz said. The first development phase will consist of about 200 lots; and within that the first subdivision filing will be about 50 to 75 lots, he said. ìCurrently, we have an approved access road off Stapleton, and our first filing will be just north of Stapleton on the southern portion of the project,î Martz said.Construction on the subdivision could start as early as the end of 2013, with home construction beginning in the spring of 2014, Martz said. ìDevelopment and construction is really market driven,î he said. ìWe think the project will probably be an eight-to-10 year process.îHouses will be in the low $200,000 to low $300,000 price range, based on market trends, he said. ìWe have five different lot sizes, so thereís an opportunity for different builders to bring in different (designs),î Martz said. He said he anticipates three or four separate builders having a hand in the project.The Waterbury subdivision takes its name from a theme of waterways, streams and ponds that will be interspersed throughout the development, Martz said. ìWeíre going to be building around existing ponds and streams,î he said. ìWeíll fold those into the project, but weíre going to be creating some additional ponds and streams as part of the subdivision.îThe development will also have two community centers, and about 25 percent of the total acreage will be open space such as trails, parks and corridors, Martz said. ìThe first community center will have a small lake, but it wonít be built until after the first 50 lots have been built,î he said. ìWe have plans for it, but weíre not ready to commit to the timing or the details just yet. First things first.î

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