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Letters to the Editor

Wal-Mart is a plus

I recently read your editorial on Wally World. Being a 12-year resident in Falcon I understand the concerns of growth in the Falcon area. I think the county could be doing a much better job of handling the infrastructure, namely the road system, but that’s a different subject.I think that Wally World will be good for Falcon. I am a firm believer that good old-fashioned competition makes for better prices and service. I won’t mention any names, but I have noticed that several of the businesses in Falcon are quite complacent when it comes to this. I recently contacted the owner of one restaurant about consistently poor service.I suspect that if other service-related companies were scrutinized as closely as Wal-Mart, you would find that the same type of things is happening. I know back in the Midwest, Myers has the same reputation. Also, I have relatives that have worked and are working for Hy-Vee grocery stores. They consistently gave my father 39 hours a week, even after more than 10 years of service. This was obviously so they didn’t have to pay benefits. I do believe that when you are the big kid on the block, you are looked at more closely. Also, large corporations like Wal-Mart put Ma and Pa businesses out of business. That never goes over well with growing communities.Steve ZackerFalcon

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