Valentineís Day is Feb. 14. Did you know …
- Valentineís Day beats out all other holidays for the number of cards sent.
- More than 190 Valentineís Day Cards are bought every year; women account for 85 percent of the cards purchased.
- Consumers individually spend an average of more than $75 on Valentineís Day gifts: chocolate, food, wine and flowers top the list.
- The name ìValentineî comes from the Latin word ìvalor,î which means worthy.
- In the Middle Ages, people believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex they encountered Valentineís Day morning would be the person they would marry.
- Valentineís Day is supposedly the day that birds choose their mates.
- People used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentineís Day, she would marry a sailor.