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Business Briefs

Update on business groups

Eastern Plains Chamber of CommerceThe chamber held its monthly meeting Oct. 1. New member baskets were handed out to several new members who have joined the chamber in recently months. Recent recruitment efforts have brought the total number of members to 30. X-BOC Custom Coatings, Pyramid Roofing and Avis Accounting joined in the last month.The next meeting is Nov. 5 at 7 a.m. at Grace Community Church in Falcon.LnB Connectors’ B.E.E.R.The group used a word association exercise to help members determine what trigger phrases they should use in their marketing and networking materials. Facilitator Brian Swanson asked the members to write five words they think others in the group should associate with their business when considering whether someone is a prospect for a referral. Swanson then read the words aloud to see if the rest of the group could identify which member the words described.B.E.E.R. meets at their new location at Antler Creek Golf Course every Friday morning at 8:30 a.m.Falcon PEPNetThe local PEPNet chapter welcomed a new member in October. Chris Hightower of Peace of Mind Heating and Cooling joined the networking organization.Falcon PEPNet meets every Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. at La Mission Mexican Restaurant.

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