Carlie Anderson, who lives north of Falcon in Black Forest, has won several awards in individual and group events at the 2012 Festival of the Future, which is part of the U.S. National Baton Twirling Championships. The event was held in July in Fairborn, Ohio, on the campus of Wright State University, and almost 800 athletes from 23 states competed.ìThis was Carlieís first nationals and she did a great job,î said her coach, Michelle Dawson, of Colorado Twirls. ìShe was ready for the pressure of national competition because of her natural talent, hard work and dedication.îAndersen is in eighth grade and homeschooled. Besides baton, she cares for her familyís animals, including a cat, horse, dogs, chickens and goats. She also volunteers to teach baton twirling at Meridian Ranch Recreation Center. She is the daughter of Blaine and Krissy Andersen.