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Top 10 cities for Oktoberfest celebrations

  1. New York City
  2. Portland, Oregon
  3. Cincinnati, Ohio
  4. San Francisco
  5. Chicago
  6. Philadelphia
  7. Denver
  8. Miami
  9. Seattle
  10. OrlandoOktoberfest tidbits
    • $5,000:†estimated cost for an American to attend Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany
    • 1.98 million:†gallons of beer consumed during Oktoberfest.
    • 700,000:†number of whole roast chickens eaten, plus 60,000 sausages and 59,000 pork knuckles
    • $1.53 billion:†Oktoberfestís annual economic impact on Munich
    • $67,306: median annual income for German-American households ($57,617 for all households)
    • Cincinnatiís Oktoberfest (called Zinzinnati) is the largest in the U.S. In 2017, 675,000 people attended the fest. The number of Bratwursts eaten: more than 80,000; 2,000 barrels of beer are consumed each year ó enough to fill a 20 feet x 40 swimming pool.

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