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Letters to the Editor

Theft of signs gives pause

I am a registered Republican and resident of Rancho, Colo., in House District 19. I am not a member of any political campaign organization. Two years ago, while campaigning for election to a state office, my daughter had 150 of her campaign signs stolen. This costs a lot of money and is a “dirty trick”.Well, they are at it again. Marsha Looper, a Republican candidate for State Representative in House District 19, is having her campaign signs stolen also. By the way, Marsha does not know I am writing this letter. Who is stealing Marsha’s signs? Common sense tells us that Marsha and those that support her are not the thieves – right? That leaves only those who oppose her.I am writing this letter to the registered voters in House District 19. Before you mail your absentee ballot or got to the polls to cast your vote, would you please consider: (A) Who are these people that are willing to steal to get someone elected? (B) Do they not have any morals or integrity? (C) Is this the type of person you will trust to represent you?Feel free to confirm this information with Marsha. Think before you vote.Don StitesRancho, Colorado

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