Andy Retting was first introduced to sport stacking when he was in second grade. Several years and three world titles later, Retting is still involved in the sport; in between his hectic college and work life.Sport stacking is a competitive sport in which participants stack and then unstack 12 specially designed cups in specific formations as quickly as possible. Stackers race against each other and the clock through sequences referred to as a cycle stack.Tournaments include events for individuals, doubles in which each person of a pair acts as either the right or left hand and four-person relay teams.Retting said he was drawn to the sport because it was unique. “It was something everyone in the class could do,” he said. “When you picked teams, no one got intentionally picked last because it doesn’t require any athletic ability. It really leveled the playing field.”Once Retting improved his sport stacking skills, he and three other friends formed a team they called the Blazers and eventually competed in tournaments. The Blazers made a name for themselves with Speed Stacks Inc., and Retting became a demo sport stacker and attended physical education conventions with the company representative. (Sport stacking is often incorrectly called speed stacking, which is actually a well-known company (Speed Stacks) that promotes sport stacking and sells the cups used in the sport.)”My job was to go to the conventions and teach all the PE teachers how to stack,” Retting said.As world record holder, he’s well-qualified to teach.Competing in the Sport Stacking World Tournament in Dallas in April, Retting set a world record in the 19-24 collegiate age division in two stacking sequences. In 2005, he earned a world record for a doubles event. In 2007, he joined the USA sport stacking team.Retting graduated from The Classical Academy and is currently enrolled at Pikes Peak Community College, where he is studying to become a certified public accountant. He also works two jobs but was still available to help out a local elementary team.Retting helped with a tournament at Woodmen Hills Elementary in Falcon. Karen Crockett, stacking coach at Woodmen Hills, said Retting was a big help and a great mentor to her young stackers.