State Bank first opened its doors in 1893 as The La Junta State Bank. More than 100 years later, the family owned and operated company is opening another set of doors to a brand new bank building in Falcon.”We’re very pleased to be in the Falcon area,” said Al Kreps, State Bank vice president. “The support we’ve received is really fine.” He said the opening of the new facility will allow them to serve their La Junta and Rocky Ford customers who may travel to the Falcon area on business. “We are very appreciative of everyone that showed up today,” he added.Airplane flyovers, sunny weather and a crowd of people were all a part of the State Bank of Falcon’s grand opening. Many customers have already been inside the new building, but got a closer look during the ribbon cutting ceremony.As the first two-story building in the area, the bank has a total of 20,100 square feet. The bank occupies about 4,500 square feet on the first floor, and State Farm Insurance agent Scott Carmak is located on the second floor. Another 11,000 square feet is available to potential renters.The interior of the bank and the collection of antiques may be an unexpected surprise to first-time visitors. As a third generation banker, Tricia Kreps wanted to be sure the interior of the bank kept the continuity of the “old world style” of decor along with the La Junta and Rocky Ford locations, as well as reflect her family’s long standing traditions. “We just had a wonderful group of people working together,” she said. “We have a wonderful staff … a wonderful contractor, subcontractor and designer. And the architect was absolutely amazing.”Of her husband, she said, “It was his responsibility for overseeing this [building] from the bank’s point of view,” Tricia Kreps said. “And without him, nothing would have happened.”