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Health and Wellness

The blame game

If you listen to diet ads, then you believe it’s anyone’s fault but yours.The big diet companies think if they put the blame on you, then you won’t buy their bogus pills. So, they put the blame on your cortisol levels, your fast food diet or your busy schedule, instead of where it belongs, which is squarely on your shoulders.Sure, you have obstacles – your schedule, your job, your kids, the weather, your knee injury from college. But ultimately you have the body that you accept.Embracing the blame for your current weight is not a bad thing; it’s empowering. Think about it. If it really weren’t your fault, if it really was due to a long list of variables that you have zero control over, then you’d be stuck. You’d have no way to change.The secret behind ‘before and after’ picturesAllow me to pull back the curtain for you on something the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. You’ve seen countless before and after pictures documenting weight loss as a result of a diet product. Well, there is more involved than just the diet product. And it’s the same across the board.Look into the eyes of any person in their before picture, and you’ll see they are disturbed. The body they have is no longer in sync with the body they can accept.They changed the body they accept.Now look into their eyes in the after picture. See the sweet satisfaction? They now own the body they decided they could accept. And that is a great feeling.Your time to transformWhether you realize it or not, you already posses everything you need to transform your body, but it all starts with taking responsibility for the body you have today. You have your current body because until this moment you’ve been OK with it.Oh sure, you aren’t thrilled with it, and you even talk about losing weight and getting fit, but you haven’t changed what you’ll accept. Here’s how to transform your body in three steps:Step one: get disturbedYou’ve heard it said that emotion creates motion. This is essential when it comes to losing weight. Just like those folks in the before pictures, to transform your body you must first decide you can’t live another day in the body you currently have.It’s time to get your emotions stirred up. Make a list of all the reasons you must lose weight and get fit. Get disturbed!Step two: get focusedWithout clarity, it’s very hard to get where you want to go. Now that you’re disturbed with the body you have, it’s time to decide what the body you can accept looks like.Think in concrete and specific terms. Just like the captions under those before and after pictures: Suzy lost 25 pounds; Mike lost 8 inches from his waist; Jenny went from a size 18 to a size 6. Get a clear picture in your mind of what you’ll look like in your after picture, and visualize what the caption will read.Step three: get movingThe time spent between your inspiration (now) and your action determines whether you will succeed or fail. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck between inspiration and action. There is always something you can do right now.Don’t you agree you’ll be happier living life in a fit, healthy and attractive body, rather than the body you have today? Of course, you’ll be happier. You need to make up your mind about what you’ll accept of yourself.- www.perfectfitwc.comRECIPE OF THE MONTHHealthy Man’s SteakEggplant offers a host of health benefits due to its many vitamins and minerals as well as important phytonutrients, which provide antioxidant activity. When you select eggplant look for ones that are firm and heavy for their size. Avoid eggplant with discoloration or bruises. Serve your Healthy Man’s Steak as a side to grilled chicken breast for a delicious and well balanced meal. Yield: 6 servingsHere’s what you need…2 eggplant, cut into 3/4 inch thick slicesSalt1 Tbsp. olive oil1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar1 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley1 tsp. dried oregano1 small clove garlic, mincedFreshly ground pepperSprinkle the sliced eggplant with salt and drain in a colander for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Coat a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Rinse the eggplant with cold water and pat dry. Arrange in a single layer on the baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, turn the eggplant over and bake for 5 more minutes, until golden brown. Stir together oil, vinegar, parsley, oregano and garlic in small bowl. Season the eggplant with pepper and brush tops with the oil mixture.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 52 calories, 3g fat, 6g carbohydrates, 4g fiber and 1g protein.

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