“To be known and respected by all as the fairest, most honest and most professional provider of water well systems ever.” To Steve and Melinda Barnhart, these are not just words used in their mission statement but are the core values of their company. “We want every customer to be a lifelong customer,” Melinda Barnhart said. “Our company slogan is “ask your neighbors about us.”The Barnhart Pump Company was founded in 1983 by brothers Steve and Marty Barnhart and their mother, Herma Barnhart. Steve Barnhart had spent over a decade learning the water-well business working for contractors in Colorado, Texas and New Mexico. After a two-year apprenticeship required by the state of Colorado, Steve Barnhart passed his written exam and received his license. Working out of an office in his mother’s home in Black Forest, the brothers worked as service technicians while their mother managed the office.Despite a poor local economy in the mid-1980s, the business continued to prosper. Marty Barnhart eventually left the business to do other things, and Herma Barnhart decided to sell her property and retire.In 1991, Melinda and Steve Barnhart relocated the business to property they purchased on East Blaney Road in Falcon, where it remains today. Melinda Barnhart took over the office duties for several years but now spends time with her grandchildren. The Barnharts, who have been married for 29 years, have one daughter, Shellie, whose husband works for the company, and three granddaughters.Melinda Barnhart’s brother, Gary Grant, has taken over as office manager and Web designer. Barnhart Pump now has seven employees and plans to hire additional help for the busy summer season. Barnhart Pump services El Paso, Albert, Teller and Douglas counties.For homeowners outside of the service areas, Barnhart Pump Company can assist with well permits, choosing a well site, hiring a driller and providing a pump. “Drilling is a specialized area of expertise, especially in Colorado,” Steve Barnhart said. “Depending on where you live in the county, the well may only need to be 50 feet, or, in an area that’s solid granite, it may be necessary to go over 1,000 feet.”We don’t do the actual drilling, preferring to stick to our area of expertise – pump and water systems,” he said. “If you properly maintain a water system, it can give you years of dependable service. You should also have an annual well maintenance check that includes a bacterial test. Of course, anytime you notice a change in taste, color or odor you should have it checked out,” Barnhart said.The immense growth in eastern El Paso County has not affected Barnhart Pump. “All of it is new building on community wells, and we do not have the industrial-sized equipment needed to service those wells,” Barnhart said. “Our customers are homeowners with their own water-system needs. Quality work, using the best equipment, and treating our customers with honesty and fairness are what keep our business growing.” If you call Barnhart Pump Company, a real person will answer the phone. “We do not like phone menus and messages,” Melinda Barnhart said. “When someone’s pump quits working, they are upset and want to talk to someone, not leave a voice mail.”Windmills are another important part of Barnhart Pump Company. “Windmills have always been important to the West, beginning with the railroads,” Steve Barnhart said. “Windmills are primarily used for pumping water to livestock, and we also sell, install and service windmills for ornamental purposes.”For more information on Barnhart Pump Company, call 495-2912 or visit the Web site: www.barnhartpump.com.