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The 4-H Fair

Not even COVID-19 could completely halt the 2020 El Paso County Fair. The typical fair would host more than 200 activities and draw a crowd upward of 25,000 spectators. But, because of restrictions and health concerns surrounding the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, this yearís events were stripped back to only include the events that highlight the heart of the community; the 4-H presentations.The county fair transitioned into a 4-H show, from July 11-18.ìThe El Paso County Fair is a treasured family tradition, and I appreciate the work done to carry that forward in some modified fashion,î said Mark Waller, chairman of the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, in a press release. ìWhile we would love to hold a normal fair, we agree it is unlikely the Governor will loosen restrictions in time. However, this approach is good for those in the 4-H program and we look forward to our regular fair returning in 2021.îAccording to the county fairís website, the county decided to carry on the fair tradition while providing a safe environment. Large special events would be difficult to host while ensuring social distancing requirements at performances, carnival and vendor areas. However, hosting a fair that focused only on 4-H could allow for 4-H participants to complete their projects and potentially participate at the state fair.ìWe all wish we could offer our regular county fair,î said Lori Harfert, chairwoman of the Fair Advisory Board, in a press release. ìWe are very interested in providing a positive 4-H fair experience for our youth.îA few events had to be modified or cancelled because of COVID-19 restrictions. However, participation in the show did not drop much from previous years. A total of 233 4-H members showed in 1,182 different classes at the El Paso County Show. The 4-H show had more than 200 tabletop exhibits.Charity Cagle, 4-H Leadership Extension Agent, said that this show provides the kids a chance to complete this yearís learning cycle for the projects they worked on throughout the year.ì4-H is about the learning process,î Cagle said. ìIt is a hands-on experience learning model that we provide with all our 4-H experiences. Being able to showcase their work and being able to get feedback from professionals, judges and people in the field is very important to the kids. We are so grateful that the county was able to provide them that experience.îSome participants qualified for the state fair. According to the Colorado State Fair website, the state fair will still take place this year from Aug. 28 to Sept. 7, continuing their 147-year tradition. The state fair, calling its modified version the ìColorado State Fair Reimagined,î released a statement claiming that the fair will maintain social distancing regulations and manage smaller groups within the fairgrounds. Some areas normally open to the public will be restricted to exhibitors only. To learn more about the state fair, visit the Colorado State Fair Reimagined FAQ page at

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