EwwwìIn the span of four hours, my mom went into labor, the turkey caught fire, the dishwasher flooded the entire kitchen, and the person making the stuffing didnít know you were supposed to cook the sausage before putting it into the stuffing, so we all ate raw meat.î Submitted by Ktsjo411Turkey skin fightsìOne year, two of my aunts had a heated argument over who wanted the last bit of turkey skin. Long story short, one stabbed the other in the hand with a carving knife and had to leave to be treated at the hospital. Submitted by taylorw4ccb59fcaPotato puristìOne year my dad flipped out on my sister for adding cheese to the mashed potatoes to the point where he locked himself in his room for the majority of the afternoon.î Submitted by Michelle L. Mayer, FacebookFamily secretìMy cousin had someone walk up to him a few days before Thanksgiving and claim to be his brother. He then brought New Brother, as we called him, and New Brotherís fiancÈ, to Thanksgiving unannounced. Apparently New Brotherís mom had kept her son a secret from my uncle for 25 years because she knew he had a tendency to not be the greatest dad, so New Brother had to be introduced and explained to 40 people at Thanksgiving.î Submitted by corineg2Vampiric vitriolìOur whole family got into a screaming fight about the validity of the Twilight series, which somehow brought up every issue we have ever had with one another. It ended with half of my family storming out and a mutual decision that we shouldnít spend too much time together.î Submitted by Paige Sanford, Facebook
Thanksgiving horror stories: from Buzzfeed.com
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