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Letters to the Editor

Thanks to the community

The committee organizing senior activities for Falcon was gratified by the enthusiasm shown by those attending their first event, a potluck lunch on Jan. 10. A survey of participants shows they would like to continue this activity on a monthly basis. Full results of the survey will be given at the next meeting.We need to thank those who have helped us with this endeavor. First, the firefighters: What a great group of men and women! They made us feel very welcome and made space available to us, cheerfully cleaning and setting up tables and chairs. We arrived early to do that and the job had been done. Especially helpful was deputy chief and scheduler Jeff Petersma, who already has us on his calendar for Feb. 14.About 20 people have signed up for the exercise program that will start Jan. 22 at 11 a.m. at Grace Community Church. Nancy Bishop of our committee has volunteered to be the exercise leader, assisted by Susie Simpson. Mac of Falcon Physical Therapy and Fitness will train Nancy. He has also given the program a roll of exercise band material. We appreciate his time and help and promise to work hard so he will be proud of us. We are also grateful to Grace Community Church for letting us use their room.We have been offered support from many community members and feel they will be instrumental in the success of our program. The publicity given us by The New Falcon Herald has been invaluable to get information out to the community, and the check from Falcon Business and Professional League gave us a head start. We thank all of you.Beverly OrdonChairman, Falcon Senior Services Committee

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