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Telecom company launched in Falcon

Falcon resident Randy DeYoung has launched a Premiere Telecommunications company in Falcon offering TRIPLE PLAY services, which include Internet, telephone, and digital cable. One company, one cable, one bill. Triple play services are offered exclusively in Falcon. No other service provider offers all three services unless there is a partnership with another company.Falcon Broadband offers two technologies in telephone traditional phone and VoIP [Internet phone]; two technologies of Internet, high speed hard line and wireless Internet, which is offered in Colorado Spring as well as Falcon and surrounding areas.Last but not least is digital cable. Services are bundled and priced, allowing for significant savings if you order all three services from Falcon Broadband.DeYoung is offering high-speed Internet for $24.95 per month – a guaranteed price for one year – and the lowest price for up to three meg speed as a special offer for Falcon residents living within the service area. Call 719-573-5343 for more information.

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