The program for the May 11 AARP†Chapter 1100 meeting was titled, Stop the Bleed, which is a†national initiative established because of many†recent situations where injured†individuals and children have bled to death after injury while awaiting arrival†of trained medical personnel.†The†program, with hands-on instructions, is†designed to help mitigate this problem.†The program was presented by three highly qualified and experienced paramedics†led by Lori Morgan, Trauma Outreach & Injury Prevention†specialist from UCHealth in Colorado Springs.The†certifying class of instruction focused on the following important steps.†Once personal safety is confirmed, call, or†text, 911 and report the location and need for medical help.†The next step is to stop the bleeding by†using whatever is available to directly compress the bleeding, or perhaps place a tourniquet above the injury site.†After†a discussion of the techniques for stopping bleeding from injuries, Lori Morgan†and her colleagues, Hannah Weydert and Cyndy Larsen, divided the chapter†members into three†groups and led†everyone in a hands-on exercise to accomplish bleeding stoppage techniques on†mannequins.††At†the conclusion of the instruction, each Chapter 1100 participant was presented a†Certificate of Completion for the Stop The Bleed Course on behalf of the†American College of Surgeons.The†dayís activities included the usual chapter potluck lunch and a short business†meeting.†The chapter program for June 8†will feature a Mountain View Electric presentation on a†spectacular outdoor†demonstration of the dangers of Hi Voltage Electricity.†You donít want to miss this!†Other near term activities include the annual†chapter picnic July 13, and a special†Aug. 10 meeting celebrating the 50th†anniversary of the founding of Chapter 1100 in Black Forest. The anniversary celebration will start at†11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the Black†Forest Lutheran Church.†The celebration is open to all current and†past friends of the chapter. A review of the chapter activities over the years is†planned as are several awards and other†activities.Questions about any of the above activities†should be directed to Candace at 314-330-0411.