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Sand Creek High School VALEDICTORIAN

Jennifer Bremser said she is just a normal kid who works hard. She broke the Alabama state record in the mile for 7-year olds, overcame a staph infection in her knee at age 8, is the first D 49 student to receive a Division-1 athletic scholarship and is graduating top of her class at Sand Creek High School.Bremser will run track for the U.S. Air Force Academy and said she’s a little nervous about basic training but is more worried about being able to keep her room clean.What activities did you participate in?I’ve done cross-country and track all four years. I played basketball my freshman and sophomore year. I’ve been a part of Link Crew and NHS (National Honor Society).I was part of Mayor’s Top 100 my sophomore year. I was nominated because I had a staph infection in my knee and they told me I might lose my leg or I was going to have difficulty walking. I overcame that and now I run all the time and I’ve made it to state. It’s about overcoming adversity and still be a good student.Why did you choose the Air Force Academy?I had an official visit for track, and I started to think it was a pretty good deal. I want to go to medical school, so I can get my med school paid for. It seemed like the kind of environment I want to be in, with people that are motivated to work hard. I love the small classroom sizes.I realized if I didn’t go, I’d regret that decision.What is your major?I have taken a good amount of science in high school. I’m in AP biology right now. It’s one of my favorite classes. I never really thought about majors until the end of junior year when I decided I wanted to major in biology and do something with medicine.What are you looking forward to about going to college?I’m looking forward to when basic training is over. I’m looking forward to meeting new people, taking different classes and just seeing how far I can push myself in school. In going to a college like this, I’m going to learn about myself.What is one of your favorite high school memories?It’s about running. Last year, we had been running our 3,200-meter relay. We had two returning girls, but a lot of our team was freshmen. We weren’t very good at all. We’d place eighth or ninth. I was used to winning – my freshman year we almost won state. We kept working at it because we had to place third to go to state. The last race before state we decided to run for third. When the first girl finished her leg of the race we were in first place and everyone kept running faster and faster. I was the anchor and we won by 150 meters. It was kind of like a Cinderella story.How did you handle the stress of taking a heavy load of advanced classes?At the beginning of the year, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. But slowly you learn to time manage. Even when I have my free periods, instead of relaxing I’d try and get all my homework done because after practice I’d be pretty tired.I would ask for help if I needed from teachers – I’d go before school or after school if I needed help. I think over the years I’ve learned to time manage. I think running has helped with that. I know that two hours a day I’m going to be at practice. It’s taught me to be more disciplined. When we go on vacation I have to get up early and get it done so I don’t ruin my family’s day.What advice would you share with new high school students?Work hard, have fun, don’t let the little things bother you too much. Be involved. That’s the way you make friends. Have fun in high school.

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