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Sand Creek High School SALUTATORIAN

Jordan DeCosta attended Sand Creek High School for three years. She said she loves to write and is an avid reader. One of her favorite books is “The Picture of Dorian Grey,” and she is currently reading “Power’s End”, a history of the world told by conquered civilizations. She will attend the University of Denver in the fall and plans to double major.What activities do you participate in?My biggest one is the (school) paper. I was the editor this year. Junior year I started as a member of the staff just for fun. I thought I was going to go into journalism so I was the editor this year. “The Stinger” publishes once a month and is 12-16 pages. We try to cover pretty much anything that goes on at school. We don’t do as much sports just because we’re not that timely, it’s not really newsworthy.We did a special issue on Mr. Collins. That was fun; we went to the board meeting and the next day put out a special four-page issue.For NHS (National Honor Society), I worked out at the Therapeutic Riding Center for a couple of years; I helped out with their classes. Recently, I’ve been going over to Care and Share. I do whatever they need done, usually sort food.I go to New Songs Foursquare Church. I sing on the Worship Team. I’ve been singing since eighth grade. I used to be really involved with drama ministry and events.Why did you choose the University of Denver?I was pretty set on a school in California but one of my friends got accepted early (to DU) and was really loving it, so I decided to look into it.I love the campus. Everyone I talked to was really passionate about what they were doing and that really appealed to me. It seems like there is a lot of ability to be close to your professors and pursue whatever you want to do there.What is your major?I am going to double major in political science and international studies and double minor in economics and education.I could have cared less about politics until this year when I had my AP government class. That really got me interested in it. We got to do a lot with the elections and for some of my final paper people and I went to the debate with the (U.S. House) representatives and got to talk to them.I’d like to do campaign stuff and work for people in government.What are you looking forward to about going to college?I’m looking forward to being on my own. Also, to be able to hit the ground running and pursue different things and study what I want to study. What is one of your favorite high school memories?My favorite memory was going to the (D 49) board meetings. It was exciting to be the press and go in when they weren’t letting other people in. Then we turned around that issue so that was really exciting because it felt really legit.Another one is sophomore year. I climbed Pikes Peak with a bunch a friends. It was not a smart plan but we have some fun memories. It was a youth pastor and a bunch of kids. We all got a little bit sick coming down, but we all survived.How did you handle the stress of taking a heavy load of advanced classes?I just really decided I wanted to have the grades that I wanted and I did what I needed to do. I don’t really stress over things. If I have to stay up late, I stay up late.I generally give precedence to hanging out with friends and I pay for it by staying up late. That’s OK because then I get the best of both worlds.What advice would you share with new high school students?Get involved. You are only there for four years, so do whatever you can. Being involved I just care more because I’m there more – I know what’s going on.

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