Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

Safety Tip – For help: ring up the right number

Most people know to call 911 in an emergency. In 2017, the El Paso ñ Teller County 9-1-1 Authority received 327,452 calls to 911, according to its website (elpasoteller911.org). In 2018, the local 911 system averaged 28,149 calls per month through November.911 should be used only for emergencies such as a crime in progress and/or a life-threatening situation requiring a response by law enforcement, the fire department or an ambulance. However, not every problem requires emergency assistance, so who can people call for non-emergencies?

  • El Paso County Sheriffís Office non-emergent line: 719-390-5555
  • Power outage: Call the appropriate power company. Mountain View Electric Association customers can call 1-800-388-9881 to report an outage. The company also has an outage map on its website (https://mvea.coop).
  • Water or waste water issues: Contact the appropriate service provider
  • Check local TV and radio stations, their websites and their social media.
  • Follow the National Weather Service in Pueblo on social media.
  • Call the National Weather Service weather recording at 719-573-6846, the 11-News Line at 719-630-1111, or Automated Weather Observation at 719-637-9696.
  • Road conditions: Check online at https://cotrip.org, or call the Colorado Department of Transportation Road and Weather Hotline at 877-315-7623.
  • School closings: Contact the school directly; check school district websites and/or social media; or check local TV and radio stations, their websites and/or their social media accounts.
  • Injured wild animal: Call the Colorado Parks and Wildlife at 719-227-5200.
  • Injured domestic animal: Contact a local veterinarian or the Humane Society of the Pike Peak Region at 719-473-1741. HSPPR also has a list of animal welfare resources on its website: https://hsppr.org/law/who-call-help-el-paso-county
  • Stray livestock in El Paso County: Call the local brand inspector at 719-382-5016
  • To get a telephone number: Call 411 or look it up on Google.(Sources: El Paso ñ Teller County 9-1-1 Authority, Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region)

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