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Rock solid support for domestic violence

During a week in October, Rock Solid Chiropractic of Falcon sponsored a fundraiser to benefit TESSA, an organization providing resources and support for victims of domestic violence. Rock Solid employee Jamie Wilcox said TESSA received a grant to cover domestic violence issues in eastern El Paso County. The grant for the eastern plains and personal experiences prompted the fundraiser. ìEveryone here in our office has had a direct experience with it (domestic violence),î Wilcox said. ìWe know how important it is to have the resources in those types of scenarios.î Over the course of the week, Rock Solid raised $2,535 for TESSA.Weeklong activities included a patient appreciation day where free adjustments were offered for a $10 donation, and some patients added to that $10. Also, new patients referred to Rock Solid gave a $20 donation in exchange for an X-ray and free exam.Stephen Kutscher, who owns Rock Solid Chiropractic with his wife, Mandi Miedema, said that at least one patient that week asked for assistance from TESSA. ìIt’s inspirational to see a patient reach out to TESSA,î he said.Brandy Lockhart, the advocacy manager at TESSA, said the donations from Rock Solid will assist clients in the eastern part of the county. Financial assistance can range from gas money and food to relocation.The eastern plains office is located in Calhan, but Lockhart said they would like have an office in Falcon as well.For more information about TESSA, visit They also have a 24-hour crisis line at 719-633-3819.

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