After being abroad in Africa for seven months, U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Bernard Johnson of Falcon surprised his daughters while they were attending class at Skyview Middle School. The girls had no clue their dad was coming home that day.The teacher was in on the surprise return as well.ìMy teacher told me that we were going to the band room to listen to the eighth graders play,î said seventh-grader Hanna Johnson. Her sister, Cleo Johnson, is in eighth grade and also in the band. ìShe (her teacher) tricked me into sitting next to Cleo, saying that I needed to look over her music.îTheir dad walked in the band room shortly after the classes were combined.ìAt first I was really confused about why he was there, and then I was really excited and happy,î said Cleo Johnson.ìIt was really a huge surprise,î Hanna Johnson said. ìWe knew he was coming back sometime but we had no idea about the day. We were really glad that he came home then.îThe girls’ mother, Monica, said it is difficult when her husband is deployed. She said she has to frequently rearrange her schedule but sticks to a strict routine to fit in her family’s many activities. The couple also has an 11-year-old daughter and an 8-year-old son.ìWe don’t have a clue about whether he’ll be leaving again or how long he gets to be home this time,î Monica Johnson said. ìWe’ve just learned to cope over the years.î