Relay for Life finished its campaign with a fun, although soggy, carnival and walk/run on June 7. Rain and lightning threatened to cancel the final event; however, after moving the walk/run inside, the teams powered through the storms.Twenty-seven teams participated in the relay, including The New Falcon Herald team ó ìFacts, not Opinion.î The rain dampened the number of people who attended but those who did had a great time. The Zorb ball was rolling around the filed when the lightening stopped; and, despite the cold weather, some brave people went into the dunk tank. Luminaire bags were lit in remembrance of those who have lost their battle with cancer, or as a symbol for those currently fighting the disease.The Falcon/Peyton Relay event raised $34,117.59 for the American Cancer Society ó the funds stay in El Paso County to help fight cancer close to home.The top team was ìJoshís Crewî ó bringing in $8,094.