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Letters to the Editor

Regarding UBS District 3 and 4 UBS elections

Dear Editor:Iím writing to let eligible voters in Districts 3 and 4 of the Upper Black Squirrel Creek Groundwater Management District (UBS) know that the UBS will have an election on Feb. 7 to elect board members for Districts 3 and 4 of the UBS. The UBS has the responsibility for protecting the quantity and quality of the groundwater that we all depend on in eastern El Paso County. Iím one of the five current UBS board members but Iím not up for reelection. Instead I want to support the reelection of Richard A. (Rick) Jenkins who currently represents UBS District 4. Rick has served on the UBS Board of Directors for six years and has been actively involved in many important decisions to protect your groundwater and mine. Rick will have an opponent in the Feb. 7 election and while both Rick and his opponent have good intentions and want to serve the people of District 4, Rickís opponent is also an employee of the Meridian Ranch development. Because many of the water issues that come before the UBS Board involve the Meridian Ranch development, Iím very concerned that Rickís opponent could have a serious conflict of interest problem that would force him to have to recuse himself from many of the Boardís critical discussions and decisions. If that happens, the people of District 4 wouldnít have an effective representative on our Board. Rick Jenkins, a retired Calhan teacher, has no similar conflicts and has represented UBS District 4 effectively for the past six years. I support him for reelection for another term and ask that the people in UBS District 4 consider voting for him in the Feb. 7 election. For information about eligibility to vote, the voting place and times, getting an absentee ballot, etc., call the UBS district office at 347-0704.Donald Booker

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