If a friend or a family member has ever had a stroke, you know how devastating and life changing it can be. In humans, it is the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States. Every year, 800,000 people will experience a stroke; in the majority of cases it will be the first time. Every four minutes, someone will die from a stroke; in people, 80 percent of these deaths are preventable.You should not be surprised to learn that both dogs and cats can also have a stroke, and it can be serious or even life threatening.Today, there is an increase in the availability of both MRI and CT scans in veterinary medicine, and these deep neurological events are being diagnosed more often, confirming our suspicion that stroke, or CerebroVascular Accident (CVA), is not uncommon in pets. Consequently, understanding the causes, symptoms and treatment of strokes in pets will help you recognize it and get help sooner.In simple terms a stroke is a ìbrain attack.î It is the sudden loss of brain function that results from one of two things ñ- and that is also how a stroke is categorized.The first type of stroke is an ischemic stroke, which is a sudden interruption of blood flowing to various parts of the brain. This is usually caused by a clot that forms elsewhere in the body and flows to the vessels of the brain. The clot lodges there, causing the stoppage of vital blood flow to that part of the brain. The other cause and category of a stroke is a hemorrhagic stroke, where there is a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. This causes leakage of blood into the area, and that causes damage to the delicate nerve cells.Strokes can happen to any age of a pet and at any time. No matter which of the two main types has caused the stroke, when the blood flow gets interrupted to the brain, the brain cells become deprived of oxygen and cause cell death. The result of a stroke is complex and the symptoms can vary greatly, and are determined by what part of the brain has been affected.A stroke can be mild and symptoms can be minimal and not even noticeable. I believe we often donít know this type of stroke has happened in pets because they cannot report to us mild changes or deficits in their senses. However, in serious cases, a stroke can be completely debilitating, and symptoms are very sudden and obvious. In rare cases, they can cause sudden death. †What does a stroke look like in a dog?Because animals donít show slurred speech or loss of memory, their signs of stroke are usually only seen when the effects are much greater.†Symptoms of strokes in dogs can include the rapid onset of the following:
- Inability to walk, or walking with an uncoordinated†gait
- Head tilt or walking in a circle
- Abnormal eye movements, side to side or rotary
- Abnormal eye positioning
- Loss of consciousness
- Abnormal behavior
- Falling to one side
- Sudden blindness
Dr. Jim Humphries is a veterinarian in Colorado Springs and also serves as a visiting professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University. He provides hospice and end of life care for pets. He lives in Falcon with his wife, horses and Great Danes. www.HomeWithDignity.com