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“Quietdrive” rocks the Black Sheep

ìCompassionate, hardworking and bellicose: words that describe the talented musicians who form the innovative band ìQuietdrive.îThe band, formerly known as ìSneaker 2 Bombsî and ìThe Never-Ending,î is a spunky alternative rock band with a hint of pop punk. If you take interest in alternative rock music, ìQuietdriveî will appeal to you.This up-and-rising band originated in Minneapolis, Minn., in 2002 when guitarist Justin Bonhiver, drummer Brandon Lanier, and bassist Droo Hastings met lead singer Kevin Truckenmiller and guitarist/vocalist Matt Kirby on the Internet.After meshing Truckenmiller and Kirbyís side project ìSneaker 2 Bombsî with the musical talents of Bonhiver, Hastings and Lanier, ìQuietdriveî was born.The band got their big break in May 2006, when they released their debut album, ìWhen all Thatís Left is youî featuring the songs, ìRise from the Ashesî, ìTake a Drink with meî and ìMaybe Misery.îTheir addicting melodies, heart-felt lyrics and sure-fire ability to rock the stage have helped their fan base grow exponentially. ìIíve always wanted to strive to avoid mediocrity,î Hastings said. ìQuietdriveî is anything but mediocre.Song lyrics are written by lead singer Truckenmiller and are full of passion and creativity. Fans relate to the lyrics, which connects fans to the music. ìIt all starts off with an idea and melody,î Truckenmiller said. ìA song can start and end in any direction.îAlong with touring, the band uses the Internet to broaden the scope of their listeners. has allowed the band to introduce their music to the masses.Besides ìworld domination,î the band members said they would like to further their career and release their music on a national level.The band has been on the road since 2006, traveling coast to coast in their third tour van, rocking the socks off hundreds of venues.ìQuietdriveî has played with bands like ìBowling for Soup,î ìWaking Ashland,î ìSelf against City,î ìCobra Starshipî and ìBoys like Girls.îì[While on the road] we make fun of each other, watch movies, play poker Ö surf the Interne and make fun of each other some more,î the band members said, chuckling in agreement.In February, ìQuietdriveî played at The Black Sheep in Colorado Springs with bands ìMeleeî and ìRonnie Day.î They didnít just meet expectations; they exceeded them.People were jumping all over the place belting out the lyrics and snapping pictures of the show. After the band finished playing the songs from their album, they received a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd. They got back up on stage, clearly dog tired and played a brilliant version of ìToxicî, originally performed by Britney Spears.They left the crowd screaming for more.Not only did they give a great performance, they were personable and fun to talk to off stage. While fans bought their merchandise, band members signed T-shirts.Unlike many other bands, ìQuietdriveî sounds amazing live. Their music gave me goose bumps. I definitely recommend them.The best part is that the band has their own style and sense of originality ñ and a lot of flair.ìWe donít want to be locked down into an image Ö our music is just something that you have to hear,î Truckenmiller said.Check out ìQuietdriveî at, or visit their Web site at

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